Author: Margaret Coxall
Moon hangs from tree top
Watercolour on paper. The moon seems to hand suspended from the branches
Many glazes of QOR indigo and ultramarine watercolours to get depth in the dark
The Subtle Art of Glazing with Acrylic paint
Acrylic paintings can be altered so easily by using a glaze.
What is a glaze? It can be used over an underpainted surface to either soften an area by using a more opaque paint or a transparent paint to enhance or change the temperature.
Using transparent acrylic glazes can transform a work from ho hum to wow. the trick is to know your transparent colours. Here I am using Nickel Azo Yellow from fluid paint from golden.
Make sure surface is try before glazing and use a soft brush such as Silverwhite
Learning from the Masters- Van Gogh
We can learn so much from studying Van Gogh’s works. the way he layers colours and uses brushmarks to add a sense of movement to the work. In this easy to follow video I show how to follow in his footsteps to paint your very own starry night
Watercolour Magic Workshop
Painting in the Adelaide Hills
We had a lovely time surrounded by beautiful trees and inspired by our natural surroundings
Temple guardians.
My latest work, memories of a night in Bali, soft light ,sculptures lit by moon
Brush marks
These brushes are versatile and I often use them for making small descriptive remarks such as small leaves and plant shapes
Colour show
Autumn Colours
Using gold and brown plus green with heavy gel for texture, This work was done on plexiglass so that light could shine through. The example below is using a similar technique but on canvas as a support
Sketching for ideas-sometimes simple is best
I like to use my sketchbook as a source of ideas for my paintings. Over the years I have sketched and kept visual diaries of things and places I have seen. These help to bring up memories of place. I can move things around or change colours or just get some compositional ideas from my quickly jotted down ideas whilst on the move so I can work on them later whilst in the studio. Even the simplest of sketches can provide some idea of what you might do.